W H A T  D O E S   T H E  B O D Y   C O R P O R A T E  I N S U R A N C E  P O L I C Y   C O V E R ? 

The Sectional Title Act requires the Body Corporate insure the buildings to the value of their full replacement cost. The policy covers all the sections and all improvements to the common property. The premiums form part of the monthly levies, it should however be noted that the policy only covers damage and destruction of the buildings. It does not cover the contents of the section.You must make sure that the contents i.e. furniture, fittings and personal belongings are separately and adequately insured by means of a suitable policy.

If you or your bond-holder feel that your section is under-valued by the independant assesors appointed by the trustees, you are at liberty to increase the value by notifying our Brokers “Isimilo” (Zurika Hurter insurance@isimilo.co.za or 021 919 0667), you will however have to pay the additional premium required. This would include improvements to any individual unit, if the owner has done improvements and these have subsequently increased the value of the unit, these improvements must be added to the value and again this additional insurance will be for the owners’ own account.

Excess: In terms of The Sectional Title Act, the body corporate is only expected to pay the excess for claims lodged which are directly related to the common property area. Should the body corporate lodge a claim on behalf of a specific unit, the unit owner is liable for the excess payments.


Should a claim arise, please contact SANTAM CALL CENTRE – ALL HOURS – 0860 101 305 (toll free) OR a prefered independant plumber – Leakpatrol 082 785 0393/082 577 4770  OR Frans from The Plumbers is on site 083 456 4913 who will initiate the process on your behalf

We have attached the relevant .pdf files below, please fimiliarise yourself with the contents

Policy Schedule Policy Claims Process